DiSC and Dealing with Different Personalities

The foundation of personal and professional success lies in developing authentic leadership. “Be true to yourself” isn’t a worn-out pep talk. It’s valuable advice to anyone who aspires to be an effective leader. This requires a deeper understanding of oneself and realizing our personalities' impact on others. The Everything DiSC® Assessment gives us a deeper understanding of ourselves and a decoder tool to understand others better.  

Many of us in the past were led to believe leaders look and act a certain way. We have heard this in books, courses, and possibly from our prior managers, all providing opinions of what a leader looks like and how they show up. They tell us that the best leaders are assertive, the best leaders are outspoken, the best leaders are influencers, etc. Yet there is no single definition of a leader.

The truth is that the most influential leaders are self-aware and walk confidently in their authenticity.  They know how they show up to others and can navigate personality differences effectively.  While some may be fast-paced and outspoken, others are quieter, questioning, and skeptical.  Authentic leaders cultivate trust and mutual respect through integrity and building solid relationships. Authentic leaders create a safe space where others feel comfortable being themselves and expressing opinions, even if those ideas are outside the norm.

In our one-hour session, we will learn about the DiSC model and develop a deeper understanding of our preferences in communication, collaboration, relationship building, and managing stress and conflict. Taking the Everything DiSC® in advance of the session, you will receive a comprehensive report on your own DiSC style and recommendations on how to best collaborate with different styles.  In the session, we will interact to deepen our learning of ourselves and others by observing and interacting with them. If you have taken a DiSC Assessment in the past, please bring your report with you to the session.  

By leading from a place of awareness and authenticity, you become who you were born to be. You become unstoppable.

About Wiley Everything DiSC® 
Everything DiSC® is a best-selling personality assessment. Whether improving working relationships, elevating leadership impact, or tackling conflict with a new mindset, Everything DiSC delivers insights and strategies to help you better understand yourself and the preferences of others.  

Everything DiSC can help you and your teams:

  • Improve self-awareness
  • Understand other people and adapt to their behavior
  • Learn how to work more productively with others
  • Transform conflict into collaboration 
  • Get more enjoyment out of every relationship

Wiley DiSC Assessment Instructions 
Participants who would like to take the DiSC assessment prior to the session will use this link to complete payment, and the assessment will be sent upon receipt of payment or between the hours of 9am-5pm Pacific.   

The DiSC assessment takes 10-15 minutes to complete, and the report will be provided electronically upon completion of the assessment. HumanPoint will be administering the DiSC assessment, if you have any questions, please get in touch with Ellie Dillard at or 425-569-8903.