
Directors and Cyber Risk

The WS Cyber Liability Blog will be back from hiatus soon, but in the meantime I wanted to share this great post by my colleague Priya Huskins on the important dismissal Wyndham Worldwide Corporation recently won in a cyber-liability-related derivative lawsuit.  It has become crystal clear that boards need to take an active role in overseeing cyber security.  The Wyndham dismissal makes the further point that doing so in an effective way will provide a strong defense to liability.

Priya will be moderating and I will be participating on a panel hosted by the Silicon Valley Directors Exchange at Stanford next week to discuss this very topic – how should the board of directors be tackling this critical issue?  For registration info, see the events page at SVDX.

Lost in Translation: Directors & Cyber-risks                      

Thursday, March 19, 2015

7:30am-8:00am Continental Breakfast
8:00am-9:30am Program

Paul Brest Hall-EAST
(next to Stanford Law School)
Rock Center for Corporate Governance
Stanford, CA



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