
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Woodruff Sawyer is proud to be a Champion of 2018's National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). We've joined a growing global effort among businesses, government agencies, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, and individuals to promote awareness of online safety and privacy.

Now in its 15th year, NCSAM was created as a collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure all digital citizens have the resources needed to stay safer and more secure online, while also protecting their personal identity. As an official Champion of the campaign, Woodruff Sawyer highlights our commitment to cybersecurity, online safety, and privacy.

Champions for Cybersecurity. Champions for our Clients.

The word Champion has special meaning to Woodruff Sawyer. We've long believed in championing on behalf of our clientsthrough expert counsel, fierce advocacy,  and getting to know our clients' business and challenges as if they were our own. Being a champion for cybersecurity not only makes sense, but aligns with Woodruff Sawyer's core values.

We're seeing cyber events evolve every day, growing in sophistication and brazenness from social engineering and phishing to new exploits such as ransomware and cryptojacking.  It used to be that only companies with personally identifiable data had to worry about protecting themselves against breaches. Now, cyber risk is an organizational risk that every single company faces, especially because nearly all organizations are dependent on technology to operate.

How do you protect your business against rapidly proliferating threats and attacks when access to security resources are scarce and attackers always seem one step ahead?

More than Insurance

While we believe cyber insurance is a necessity in today's business environment, to be fully prepared, it's essential to take a comprehensive approach.

That's why we look at cybersecurity from a big-picture perspective:  

Risk Assessment

How do you know what risk to transfer if you don't know where your organization is truly exposed? Proper assessment of cyber risk includes identifying your key assets and how they are protected, as well as identifying areas where further security investment is required. We believe that you can't truly take advantage of all the benefits of cyber insurance without assessing your risk first.

Enterprise Coverage Evaluation

Just as cyber risk can take many forms, so can insurance for those cyber risks. In some cases, a property policy may respond to physical damage from a cyber event, other times a crime policy will cover lost funds. Having a holistic view of where your current insurance programs covers cyber risk allows you to eliminate coverage overlaps, identify coverage gaps, and find an appropriate cyber insurance solution.

Risk Transfer

We believe that dedicated cyber insurance with experienced carriers is a competitive advantage for our clients. The Woodruff Sawyer team is consistently pushing coverage terms and conditions to customize insurance programs for our clients.

Incident Response

When security fails, a timely and appropriate response is required. Woodruff Sawyer has helped our clients respond to some of the most severe cyber security incidents over the past few years. We leverage that expertise and industry relationships to get our clients back to business as soon as possible.


Awareness First

Awareness is the first step; it starts with being informed of what risks your business is up against. Only then can you start to take the actions needed to protect yourself. As a Champion for our clients and as a Champion for the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we're here to help.

This month we'll be talking more about how you can stay safe online and how a comprehensive approach to your business's cybersecurity will help your organization better prepare and respond to potential attacks.

Check Woodruff Sawyer's Cyber Notebook to meet our team and learn more.



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